Vas. P. Kalogeropoulos, engineer-plumber, former engibeer in charge of the hydraulics of the Municipality of Athens during the office of TimoLeontos Filimon (1888 and 1889), land-owner and farmer, candidate for the Municipal Council, representative of the

Vas. P. Kalogeropoulos, engineer-plumber, former engibeer in charge of the hydraulics of the Municipality of Athens during the office of TimoLeontos Filimon (1888 and 1889), land-owner and farmer, candidate for the Municipal Council, representative of the
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Βασ. Π. Καλογερόπουλος, μηχανικός υδραυλικός, πρώην μηχανικός επί των υδραυλικών του Δήμου Αθηναίων επί Τιμολ. Φιλήμονος (1888 και 1889), κτηματίας και γεωργός, υποψήφιος δημοτικός σύμβουλος των βιομηχάνων, τεχνιτών, γεωργοκτηματιών και εν γένει του εργαζομένου λαού (EL)
Vas. P. Kalogeropoulos, engineer-plumber, former engibeer in charge of the hydraulics of the Municipality of Athens during the office of TimoLeontos Filimon (1888 and 1889), land-owner and farmer, candidate for the Municipal Council, representative of the (EN)

Πάλλης και Κοτζιάς (EL)
Καζάνης (EL)

Εφήμερα (EL)
Φέιγ βολάν (EL)

27Χ20 εκ.

ΕΦΗΜΕΡΑ, 19ος και 20ός αιώνας (EL)
Αθήνα (EL)


*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)