Mozart, The Magic Flute-2470

This item is provided by the institution :
Greek National Opera   

Repository :
Virtual Exhibition of the Greek National Opera   

see the original item page
in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
the file or the thumbnail according to the license:
In Copyright (InC)

In Copyright - Restricted Use

Μότσαρτ, Ο μαγικός αυλός, 2012 – 2013 (EL)
Mozart, The Magic Flute-2470 (EN)

Βασιλική Καραγιάννη (EL)
Vassiliki Karayanni (EN)

Άρια Βασίλισσας της Νύχτας, Der Hölle Rache, Β΄Πράξη (EL)
Queen of night aria, Der Hölle Rache, Act II (EN)

Μουσικά αποσπάσματα (EL)
Music excerpts (EN)

Θέατρο Ολύμπια, Αθήνα (EL)
Olympia Theater (EN)


2012 – 2013 (EL)
2012-2013 (EN)

Μότσαρτ, Ο μαγικός αυλός, 2012 – 2013 (EL)
Mozart, The Magic Flute, 2012 – 2013 (EN)


*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)