Verdi, Nabucco-18646

This item is provided by the institution :
Greek National Opera   

Repository :
Virtual Exhibition of the Greek National Opera   

see the original item page
in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
the file or the thumbnail according to the license:
In Copyright (InC)

In Copyright - Restricted Use

Βέρντι, Ναμπούκκο, 2007-2008 (EL)
Verdi, Nabucco-18646 (EN)

Αντώνης Δαγκλίδης (EL)
Antonis Daglidis (EN)

Κατασκευαστικό σχέδιο σκηνικού με διαστάσεις. Όψεις σκάλας και δύο πύργων (EL)
Scale construction drawing of the set with dimension indications. Front aspects of stairway and two towers. (EN)

Μακέτες σκηνικών (EL)
Set models (EN)

Θέατρο Ολύμπια, Αθήνα (EL)
Olympia Theater (EN)


2007-2008 (EL)
2007-2008 (EN)

Βέρντι, Ναμπούκκο, 2007-2008 (EL)
Verdi, Nabucco, 2007-2008 (EN)


*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)