Letter by John K. Papassimakes to Eleftherios Venizelos in which, on one hand, he mentions that he encloses a letter by Mr. Hartmann and, on the other hand, he wishes him success in the upcoming elections.

Letter by John K. Papassimakes to Eleftherios Venizelos in which, on one hand, he mentions that he encloses a letter by Mr. Hartmann and, on the other hand, he wishes him success in the upcoming elections.
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Επιστολή του John K. Papassimakes προς τον Ελευθέριο Βενιζέλο με την οποία αφενός του αναφέρει ότι του εσωκλείει επιστολή του κυρίου Hartmann και αφετέρου του εύχεται καλή επιτυχία στις επικείμενες εκλογές. (EL)
Letter by John K. Papassimakes to Eleftherios Venizelos in which, on one hand, he mentions that he encloses a letter by Mr. Hartmann and, on the other hand, he wishes him success in the upcoming elections. (EN)

Papassimakes John K. (EL)
Papassimakes John K. (EN)

Βενιζέλος Ελευθέριος Κ. 1864-1936 (EL)
Venizelos Eleftherios K. 1864-1936 (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1928 Ιούλιος 13 (EL)

Washington, D.C., Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής (EL)
Washington, D.C., United States of America (EN)

1928 Ιούλιος 13 (EL)

Πολιτική Εσωτερική (EL)
Domestic Politics (EN)





004 (EL)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)