Letter by Georgios Trovas to the Greek Parliament Speaker, Themistocles Sofoulis, in which he conveys to him the issue that has arisen with his daughter and asks for his help.

Letter by Georgios Trovas to the Greek Parliament Speaker, Themistocles Sofoulis, in which he conveys to him the issue that has arisen with his daughter and asks for his help.
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Επιστολή του Γεωργίου Τροβά προς τον ΠτΒ των Ελλήνων Θεμιστοκλή Σοφούλη, με την οποία του μεταφέρει το ζήτημα το οποίο έχει ανακύψει με την κόρη του και ζητεί την αρωγή του. (EL)
Letter by Georgios Trovas to the Greek Parliament Speaker, Themistocles Sofoulis, in which he conveys to him the issue that has arisen with his daughter and asks for his help. (EN)

Σοφούλης Θεμιστοκλής Πρόεδρος της Βουλής των Ελλήνων 1860-1949 (EL)
Sofoulis Themistocles, Greek Parliament Speaker, 1860-1949 (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1932 Ιούλιος 28 (EL)

Βουρλιώτες Σάμου (EL)
Vourliotes, Samos (EN)

1932 Ιούλιος 28 (EL)

Διορισμός, πρόσληψη, παραίτηση, προαγωγή, λύση σύμβασης, μετάθεση, απόσπαση, μονιμοποίηση, απομάκρυνση, μετάκληση, τιμωρία (EL)
Appointment, hiring, resignation, promotion, termination of contract, transfer, posting, permanent job, removal, recall, punishment (EN)





064 (EL)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)