Letter by the personal secretary of the President of the Hellenic Senate, Stylianos Gonatas, to Mr. Levis, by which he informs him that he is sending him a postal check for the payment of the salaries of Mr. Levantis, Mavrogordatos and Digas.

Letter by the personal secretary of the President of the Hellenic Senate, Stylianos Gonatas, to Mr. Levis, by which he informs him that he is sending him a postal check for the payment of the salaries of Mr. Levantis, Mavrogordatos and Digas.
see the original item page
in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
the file or the thumbnail according to the license:
CC BY-NC 4.0


Επιστολή του ιδιαίτερου γραμματέα του Προέδρου της Γερουσίας των Ελλήνων Στυλιανού Γονατά, προς τον κ. Λεβή με την οποία τον ενημερώνει ότι του αποστέλλει ταχυδρομική επιταγή για την πληρωμή των μισθών των κ.κ. Λεβαντή, Μαυρογορδάτου και Δίγκα. (EL)
Letter by the personal secretary of the President of the Hellenic Senate, Stylianos Gonatas, to Mr. Levis, by which he informs him that he is sending him a postal check for the payment of the salaries of Mr. Levantis, Mavrogordatos and Digas. (EN)

Ιδιαίτερος Γραμματέας Προέδρου της Γερουσίας των Ελλήνων (EL)
Personal Secretary of the President of the Hellenic Senate (EN)

Λεβής (EL)
Λεβαντής (EL)
Μαυρογορδάτος (EL)
Δίγκας (EL)
Levantis (EN)
Mavrogordatos (EN)
Levis (EN)
Digas (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1933 Αύγουστος 11 (EL)

Αθήνα (EL)
Athens (EN)

1933 Αύγουστος 11 (EL)

Πολιτική Εσωτερική (EL)
Domestic Politics (EN)




*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)