Letter by the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the General Administration of Thrace to an unspecified person called president, by which they welcome his return to Athens and they inform him about his previous letter concerning M. Almeida.

Letter by the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the General Administration of Thrace to an unspecified person called president, by which they welcome his return to Athens and they inform him about his previous letter concerning M. Almeida.
see the original item page
in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
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CC BY-NC 4.0


Επιστολή της Διεύθυνσης Εσωτερικών της Γενικής Διοίκησης Θράκης προς αδιευκρίνιστο προσφωνούμενο πρόεδρο, με την οποία χαιρετίζουν την επάνοδό του στην Αθήνα και τον ενημερώνουν σχετικά με την περί του Μ. Αλμέίδα προηγηθείσας επιστολής του. (EL)
Letter by the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the General Administration of Thrace to an unspecified person called president, by which they welcome his return to Athens and they inform him about his previous letter concerning M. Almeida. (EN)

Αλμέϊδα Μ. (EL)
Almeida M. (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1933 Οκτώβριος 11 (EL)

Κομοτηνή (EL)
Komotini (EN)

1933 Οκτώβριος 11 (EL)

Πολιτική Εσωτερική (EL)
Domestic Politics (EN)





076 (EL)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)