Letter by Constantinos Spyridis to Pericles Argyropoulos in which he warmly introduces Ali. Lefakis and George Gourietis and asks his moral support for the former who is imprisoned because of his pro-French feelings.

Letter by Constantinos Spyridis to Pericles Argyropoulos in which he warmly introduces Ali. Lefakis and George Gourietis and asks his moral support for the former who is imprisoned because of his pro-French feelings.
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Επιστολή του Κωνσταντίνου Σπυρίδη προς τον Περική Αργυρόπουλο με την οποία συστήνει με θέρμη τους Αλή. Λεφάκη και Γεωρ. Γουριέτη και ζητεί την ηθική αρωγή του για τον πρώτο ο οποίος βρίκεται φυλακισμένος λόγω των φιλογαλλικών αισθημάτων του. (EL)
Letter by Constantinos Spyridis to Pericles Argyropoulos in which he warmly introduces Ali. Lefakis and George Gourietis and asks his moral support for the former who is imprisoned because of his pro-French feelings. (EN)

Σπυρίδης Κωνσταντίνος Πολιτικός (EL)
Spyridis Constantinos, Politician (EN)

Αργυρόπουλος, Περικλής Α.- 1881-1966 (EL)
Argyropoulos, Pericles A.- 1881-1966 (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1916 Ιούλιος 25 (EL)

Βόλος (EL)
Volos (EN)

1916 Ιούλιος 25 (EL)

Εθνικός Διχασμός (1916-1917) (EL)
Πόλεμος 1914-1918 (EL)
National Schism (1916-1917) (EN)
War 1914-1918 (EN)




*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)