Telegram by Dimadis E. and Zaneras to Pericles Argyropoulos, former Prefect of Thessaloniki, in which they state their absolute need for money which they request to be sent to them.

Telegram by Dimadis E. and Zaneras to Pericles Argyropoulos, former Prefect of Thessaloniki, in which they state their absolute need for money which they request to be sent to them.
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Tηλεγράφημα των Δημάδη Ε. και Ζανέρα προς τον Περικλή Αργυρόπουλο, τέως Νομάρχη Θεσσαλονίκης με το οποίο αναφέρουν την απόλυτή τους ανάγκη σε χρημάτα τα οποία ζητούν να τους αποσταλούν. (EL)
Telegram by Dimadis E. and Zaneras to Pericles Argyropoulos, former Prefect of Thessaloniki, in which they state their absolute need for money which they request to be sent to them. (EN)

Ζανέρας (EL)
Δημάδης Ε. (EL)
Zaneras (EN)
Dimadis E. (EN)

Αργυρόπουλος, Περικλής Α.- 1881-1966 (EL)
Argyropoulos, Pericles A.- 1881-1966 (EN)

Τηλεγράφημα (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

{1916 Αύγουστος} 13 (EL)

Κατερίνη (EL)
Katerini (EN)

{1916 Αύγουστος} 13 (EL)

Οικονομική ενίσχυση (EL)
Financial aid (EN)




102 (EL)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)