Resolution of the Committee of National Defence of Constantinople by which, on behalf of the unredeemed Hellenes living abroad, sends a warm and grateful fraternal greeting to the army which fights for faith and country and wishes that the Greek Government will rise to the height of its mission and will be worthy of the importance of the intended purpose.

Resolution of the Committee of National Defence of Constantinople by which, on behalf of the unredeemed Hellenes living abroad, sends a warm and grateful fraternal greeting to the army which fights for faith and country and wishes that the Greek Government will rise to the height of its mission and will be worthy of the importance of the intended purpose.
see the original item page
in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
the file or the thumbnail according to the license:
CC BY-NC 4.0


Ψήφισμα της Επιτροπής της Εθνικής Αμύνης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως με το οποίο εξ ονόματος του αλυτρώτου και έξω Ελληνισμού αποστέλλει θερμότατο και ευγνώμονα αδελφικό χαιρετισμό προς το μαχόμενο υπέρ πίστεως και πατρίδος στρατό και εύχεται όπως η Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση αρθεί το ύψος της αποστολής τηςκαι αντάξια της σημασίας του επιδιωκομένου σκοπού. (EL)
Resolution of the Committee of National Defence of Constantinople by which, on behalf of the unredeemed Hellenes living abroad, sends a warm and grateful fraternal greeting to the army which fights for faith and country and wishes that the Greek Government will rise to the height of its mission and will be worthy of the importance of the intended purpose. (EN)

Επιτροπή της Εθνικής Αμύνης (EL)
National Defence Committee (EN)

Βενιζέλος Ελευθέριος Κ. 1864-1936 (EL)
Venizelos Eleftherios K. 1864-1936 (EN)

Ψήφισμα (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

χ.χ. (EL)

χ.χ. (EL)

Στρατός (EL)
Εθνική Άμυνα Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (EL)
Εθνικά ζητήματα (EL)
Σχέσεις της Ελλάδας με την Entente (EL)
Army (EN)
National Defence of Constantinople (EN)
National issues (EN)
Greece's relations with Entente (EN)




*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)