Telegram from Spyromilios, Zervos, Argyropoulos, Pavlidis and Adamantiadis to E. Venizelos, concerning the demand by refugees to return to their homes.

Telegram from Spyromilios, Zervos, Argyropoulos, Pavlidis and Adamantiadis to E. Venizelos, concerning the demand by refugees to return to their homes.
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Τηλεγράφημα των Σπυρομήλιου, Ζερβού, Αργυρόπουλου, Παυλίδη, Αδαμαντιάδη προς τον Ε.Βενιζέλο σχετικά με αίτημα των προσφύγων να επανέλθουν στις εστίες τους. (EL)
Telegram from Spyromilios, Zervos, Argyropoulos, Pavlidis and Adamantiadis to E. Venizelos, concerning the demand by refugees to return to their homes. (EN)

Αργυρόπουλος Μιχάλης (EL)
Σπυρομήλιος (EL)
Αδαμαντιάδης (EL)
Argyropoulos Michalis (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)
Letter (EN)

1923 Μάιος 20 (EL)
1923 May 20 (EN)

1923 Μάιος 20 (EL)
1923 May 20 (EN)



*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)