Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos with Zervas and his escort in the Holy Church of Virgin in Tinos.

Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos with Zervas and his escort in the Holy Church of Virgin in Tinos.
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in the repository's web site and access all digital files of the item*
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Ο πρωθυπουργός Σοφοκλής Βενιζέλος με τον Ζέρβα και τη συνοδεία του στον Ι.Ν. της Παναγίας της Τήνου (EL)
Prime Minister Sophocles Venizelos with Zervas and his escort in the Holy Church of Virgin in Tinos. (EN)

Ζέρβας Ναπολέων (EL)
Βενιζέλος Σοφοκλής Ελευθ. 1894-1964 (EL)
Venizelos Sophocles Elefth. 1894-1964 (EN)
Zervas Napoleon (EN)

Φωτογραφικό Υλικό (EL)
Φωτογραφία (EL)
Photograph (EN)

Χαρτί (EL)

1950, Ιούλιος (EL)
1950, July (EN)

Τήνος (EL)
Tinos (EN)

1950, Ιούλιος (EL)
1950, July (EN)

Ιστορία (EL)
Πολιτική (EL)
Politics (EN)
History (EN)


*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)