Drosis Leonidas

Drosis Leonidas

Δρόσης Λεωνίδας



Semantics.gr term URI   VIAF   National Gellery link   Wikipedia link

 Place of birth : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Peloponnese District ▶ Argolida Nafplion Semantics.gr term URI City / village / populated place
Ναύπλιο | Ναύπλιο Αργολίδας | Ναύπλιο, Νομός Αργολίδας | Ανάπλι | Nafplion, Argolida

 Place of death : Europe ▶ Italy ▶ Campania Naples Semantics.gr term URI City / village / populated place
Νάπολη | Νεάπολη