The Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki (I.M.TH.), is a Legal Entity of Public Law. The Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, according to the Statutory Charter of the Church of Greece (law 590/1977, Official Gazette 146/A') is a Metropolis of the Ecumenical Patriarchal Throne, which constitutes a constituent entity of the Church of Greece. The Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, as well as all of the above structures that fall under its territorial and pastoral jurisdiction, apart from performing acts of religious and devotional content, implement broad philanthropic, social, pastoral, guiding, cultural, activities, as well as activities of an administrative nature. In particular, the activities of I.M.TH. can be grouped as follows: • Administrative – Administrative Function (e.g., human resources management, issuance of certificates, etc.). • Pastoral Liturgy, with special emphasis on supporting the youth and the institution of the family. • Humanitarian, Social and Cultural Operation, which includes the structures and activities of a charitable nature, psychosocial support, removal of exclusion and solidarity.
