Europeana logo Data delivery to Europeana

ΕΚΤ’s role as National Aggregator to Europeana

ΕΚΤ is the accredited national aggregator to Europeana for digitised cultural content coming from Greek providers, via its’ aggregation infrastructure

Accredited national aggregator

As National Aggregator to Europeana, EKT is responsible for delivering the data it aggregates from Greek providers to Europeana, according to the latter’s specifications. Given that almost all technical, documentation-related, interoperability and legal requirements for delivering data to SearchCulture.grconform to Europeana’s requirements, data delivery for providers is streamlined and easy- prodivers deliver data to, that is then delivered to Europeana without any further action required from them and at no cost for them.

About Europeana

Europeana is a Foundation funded in 2008 and based in the Netherlands. On its’ Governing Board sit some of the most prestigious cultural organisations and pan-european museums, archives and libraries’ organisations, such as the National Audiovisual Institute France, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Spain and the Association of European Research Libraries.

Europeana logo

Since 2008 Europeana has managed to create a central point of access to over 50 million digitised cultural artifacts from more than 2.500 libraries, archives and museums from across Europe. Europeana has established common interoperability standards and adopted open standardised licenses like the Creative Commons licenses, to facilitate cross-domain online sharing and re-use of cultural information, thus catalysing cultural institutions’ digital transformation. Through a number of pan-European crowdsourcing campaigns like WWI and Migration Europeana has helped shape a bottom-up common perception of European history and culture. Europeana works with a network of accredited national and thematic aggregators which share common standards and facilitate the content provision to Europeana around themes like tv history, archeology, photography and fashion.

EKT is partner in the Europeana Common Culture project

EKT is a partner in the Europeana Common Culture project which is coordinated by the Europeana Foundation. Europeana Common Culture aims to develop a harmonised and coordinated environment for Europeana’s national aggregators, to collaborate, share resources and technical means, and agree on common recommendations and standards. Additionally, the project will improve the quality of content and metadata to increase user satisfaction.