Eleftherios Venizelos

An emblematic figure of 20th century politics
19-08-2024 | Elena Lagoudi Ι EKT
Venizelos Eleftherios

Venizelos Eleftherios

Βενιζέλος Ελευθέριος


Politicians, Writers, Solicitors, Journalists, Translators, Prime ministers

Semantics.gr term URI   VIAF   ΒΙΒΛΙΟΝΕΤ   Wikipedia link

 Place of birth : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Crete District ▶ Chania Mourniés Semantics.gr term URI Populated place

 Place of death : Europe ▶ France ▶ Île-de-France Paris Semantics.gr term URI Capital

Eleftherios Venizelos was a historical figure; but, like many historical figures, he has also acquired the patina of a mythological hero. 

He lived during the most turbulent period of Modern Greek History, which he marked indelibly in his wake, as he was one of the leading statesmen during a crucial period in European history. Though his policies are considered visionary today, Venizelos was a divisive figure during his lifetime, provoking both love and hate from Greeks.

Born in Crete in 1864, Venizelos was shaped by the island's long fight for independence from Ottoman rule. His early involvement in the Cretan revolutions laid the foundation for his later political career.

Venizelos played a crucial role in the 1897 Cretan uprising, which ultimately led to the island's autonomy and its eventual union with Greece. As a visionary leader, he not only championed Crete's cause but also became a key statesman in Greece. His tenure as Prime Minister saw transformative reforms, including the modernization of Greece's military and administration, as well as significant territorial expansions during the Balkan Wars.

Internationally, Venizelos was a respected diplomat, advocating for Greece's interests at the Paris Peace Conference following World War I. His efforts helped shape modern Greece, both in terms of its borders and its institutions, solidifying his legacy as one of the greatest Greek statesmen of the 20th century.

Venizelos's life and work remain deeply influential, reflecting his dedication to the principles of democracy and national sovereignty. His contributions continue to be studied and honored, particularly in his native Crete, where his legacy is preserved through various institutions and memorials.

Venizelos was also a visionary, believing that Europe had a historic role should it unity and, in October 1929, in one of his interviews on this issue, he remarked:

“I think that the United States of Europe will represent, even without Russia, a power that is strong enough to promote to an acceptable degree the prosperity of the other continents as well."

The idea of the unification of Europe and the prevalence of peace in the old continent were ideals he tried to instill into the mind of the Greek youth, which he addressed with the following words: 

“Within today’s Greece we are called on to create a modernised state which, on the domestic front, has the mission to elevate on a daily basis, the moral, spiritual and material level the people and, on the international front, to be an element of peace and harmony among nations […]. 

This Thematic Exhibition narrates the story of this great man through a large number of Cultural Heritage Objects, mainly from the Archive of the National Research Foundation Eleftherios K. Venizelos in Hania, Crete, as well as from other smaller and larger archives. 

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