Time - On Memory and Change

Depicting a concept
01-07-2024 | Nasia Alevizou | EKT
Η σκιά του παρελθόντος,  Μαρία Περδίκη (Ψευδώνυμο: Alessi), CC BY-NC 4.0
Municipal Museum of Kalavritan Holocaust

As Kostis Papagiorgis mentions in his book On Memory (Kastaniotis Editions, Athens 2008), at any time we detach ourselves from the present to connect with something that elapsed, without setting in motion a specific mechanism. The past takes us by surprise, grabs us by the throat, as it sometimes relieves us or comes to our aid with a fleeting image … We remember the same way we think, we escape from the present moment with the same ease as when we change subject or mood … time appears as mysterious as memory … Future is not yet to come, the past isn't anymore and as for the present it exists in an instant but is on the way to the non being.

What is Time? What is the connection with Memory and the concept of change? In the following Exhibition we deal with the concept of time, on one hand as it is perceived by the human mind and its ability to exist in the present while recalling and recomposing the past –that is the memory–, and on the other with the progress and sequence of various states in nature and biology, such as the changing seasons and the physical changes that come with age. 

Amongst the selected items, we see abstract aspects, symbolisms and connotations but also more realistic depictions, from archaeological objects, paintings, sculptures and photographs to installations and music scores. 


Discover the   items  of this thematic exhibition