Letter by I. Stavropoulos to the president [Them. Sophoulis] regarding the receipt of pension by the warrant officers and soldiers of the Gendarmerie based on the compulsory law 19/11-1935 passed by Kondylis' government, in case they do not return.

Letter by I. Stavropoulos to the president [Them. Sophoulis] regarding the receipt of pension by the warrant officers and soldiers of the Gendarmerie based on the compulsory law 19/11-1935 passed by Kondylis' government, in case they do not return.
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Επιστολή του Ι. Σταυρόπουλου προς τον πρόεδρο [Θεμ. Σοφούλη] σχετικά με τη λήψη σύνταξης των ανθυπασπιστών και οπλιτών της Χωροφυλακής βάσει του αναγκαστικού νόμου 19/11-1935 της κυβέρνσηςη Κονδύλη, σε περίπτωση που δεν επανέλθουν. (EL)
Letter by I. Stavropoulos to the president [Them. Sophoulis] regarding the receipt of pension by the warrant officers and soldiers of the Gendarmerie based on the compulsory law 19/11-1935 passed by Kondylis' government, in case they do not return. (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)

1936 Ιανουάριος 15 (EL)

Χέρσο (Κιλκίς) (EL)
Cherso (Kilkis) (EN)

1936 Ιανουάριος 15 (EL)

Οικονομία Σύνταξη, Επιδόματα (EL)
Δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι (EL)
Κίνημα 1 Μαρτίου 1935 (EL)
Βενιζελισμός (EL)
Δημόσια τάξη και ασφάλεια Χωροφυλακή (EL)
Αντιβενιζελισμός (EL)
Venizelism (EN)
Public Order & Security Gendarmerie (EN)
Movement of March 1, 1935 (EN)
Economy Pension, Benefits (EN)
Civil servants (EN)
Antivenizelism (EN)



*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)