Letter by the Authorised Representatives of Lesvos to the Minister G. Bousios where they mention the existing situation in relation to the General Governor of Lesvos Spiliotopoulos, requesting his immediate discharge and temporary replacement by the Secretary of the General Administration and the Prefect.

Letter by the Authorised Representatives of Lesvos to the Minister G. Bousios where they mention the existing situation in relation to the General Governor of Lesvos Spiliotopoulos, requesting his immediate discharge and temporary replacement by the Secretary of the General Administration and the Prefect.
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Eπιστολή των Πληρεξουσίων Λέσβου προς τον Υπουργό Γ. Μπούσιο όπου του εκθέτουν την κατάσταση σχετικά με τον Γενικό Διοικητή Λέσβου Σπηλιωτόπουλο και ζητούν την άμεση απομάκρυνσή του και την αντικατάστασή του -προσωρινά- από τον Γραμματέα της Γενικής Διοίκησης και τον Νομάρχη (EL)
Letter by the Authorised Representatives of Lesvos to the Minister G. Bousios where they mention the existing situation in relation to the General Governor of Lesvos Spiliotopoulos, requesting his immediate discharge and temporary replacement by the Secretary of the General Administration and the Prefect. (EN)

Πληρεξούσιοι Λέσβου (EL)
Authorised Representatives of Lesvos (EN)

Σπηλιωτόπουλος Γενικός Διοικητής Λέσβου (EL)
Μπούσιος Γεώργιος (EL)
Bousios Georgios (EN)
Spiliotopoulos, General Governor of Lesvos (EN)

Επιστολή (EL)
Χειρόγραφο υλικό (EL)
Letter (EN)

[1922] (EL)
[1922] (EN)

Λέσβος (EL)
Lesvos (EN)

[1922] (EL)
[1922] (EN)

Διοίκηση Διαφθορά (EL)
Γενική Διοίκηση Λέσβου (EL)
Ιστορία (EL)
Τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση (EL)
Πολιτική (EL)
Politics (EN)
History (EN)



*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)