Welcome to the Greek National Aggregator of Digital Cultural Content

SearchCulture.gr is the public portal that offers access to  127 digital collections of cultural heritage provided by  98 institutions  from all over Greece - museums, galleries, libraries, archives, cultural and research centers

Explore  879,496 items  - photographs, artworks, monuments, maps, folklore artifacts and intangible cultural heritage in image, text, video, audio and 3D

New collections  |  discover the latest collections published in SearchCulture.gr.

Portraits  |  Discover stories about notable persons of Greek history and culture through group or individual portraits.

Kostis Palamas and the New Athenian School
Kostis Palamas and the New Athenian School

Poets of the 1880s Generation

Giorgos Zongolopoulos
Giorgos Zongolopoulos

Art as a vital force

Greek artists of the Munich School
Greek artists of the Munich School

The first creators of New Hellenic State

Greek Revolution Freedom Fighters
Greek Revolution Freedom Fighters

Men and women protagonists of the 1821 Revolution

New thematic exhibitions  |  discover the latest thematic exhibitions

Stereoscopic photographs
Stereoscopic photographs

The first 3D images

The fight against the junta in Greece
The fight against the junta in Greece

Democracy at gunpoint


Connecting places and worlds

Ecclesiastical Heritage
Ecclesiastical Heritage

Three Metropolitanates' digital collections

Navigate the content through the persons page.

Navigate the content through the places page or using an interactive  map.

Navigate the content through the item types page.

Navigate the content through the subjects page.

Explore by  dates  |  navigate the content through all historical periods.